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The Institute for Foreign Languages teaches, translates and interprets the languages of the world to groups and individuals, for personal pleasure or for business. When the Covid pandemic shut down other businesses, Institute Associates started to practice meeting their clients on Zoom, Facebook or Skype, in order to continue sharing their talent, background  and resources online. Since then, we have dedicated an exclusive sign-on to allow you to join in:

For approximately $270., and weeks on in, you can  be a part of a group and immerse your-self in a foreign language or enter into an individual experience.

To REGISTER, use our E-mail address: or 

Call: 215-348-0378 or find us on Facebook at

To see/download/register for Individual/Group Instruction Guidelines and Fees (pdf), Click Here

We are also always ready for new ideas and programs.

Call or e-mail us with ideas and for more details.


To keep everyone safe now and in the future, we have moved online and we are not always at our computers, but an e-mail or telephone message from YOU will get our attention!

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